Wednesday, December 26, 2012

2013 will start Real-user, real-name registration War

Real user and real name war strongly started in 2012 and it will wash out few companies in 2013. Reason behind real user and real name is fake user registrations and fake name. Everyone disappointing with this fake user and fake name. Surveys and News are showing lot of people using more then 1 accounts on Facebook and Twitter. Maximum face accounts of celebrity and girls are available on Facebook and Twitter. Here you can check few news and blog articles-

Facebook: 8.7 percent are fake users CNET by @EmilProtalinski

Facebook Is Asking Users If Their Friends Are Using Their Real Names Webpronews By @CCrum237

Facebook's fake-name fight grows as users skirt the rules theverge By @adrjeffries

Why Twitter doesn’t care what your real name is Gigaom By @mathewi

Facebook tests prompt asking your friends who aren’t using their real name Thenextweb By @EmilProtalinski

Facebook And Twitter Home To Hordes Of Fake Users CNET By @lancewhit

This face name and fake user issue is not going with only normal user also with Govt. Issue is not going with only Facebook and Twitter, it's going with Google+ also and with all social media sites. China may make real-name registration mandatory for all its internet users Theverge By @bcbishop but main issue is how we can track who is real or not. 

I have something in my mind but I can not disclose here. And I am sure it will drop fake user registration to +95% not 100%. For this need more discussion. Feel free to contact me if you want to build patented product with real user and real name.  

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Right sequence is Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, RSS feed and Youtube

In last one week  visited more then top 1000 web pages like, forbs, mashable, dropbox and many more for some reason and found one interesting thins there, and started thinking about that. The thing is Social media profile presence on your website.

The question rise in my mind is what is the right sequence of presenting these profile on our sites. Because all sites are presenting in different sequence. Some one keep first position for Twitter, and some one Facebook on first position.

The sequence is not all about Twitter and Facebook but there is also Linkedin, Google+ and Youtube in fight . But Linkedin and Google+ are fighting for 3rd position. We can not forget Youtube, it's in last but in fight.

I have taken few snapshot for showing you. Take a quick view on that:

 After viewing this image you have got to know majority of site using Facebook first and twitter 2nd. And the right sequence is Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google+, RSS feed and Youtube. However this is my own research and thinking, you are free to chose your own sequence and few more in list like Pintrest, Tumbler, etc.

Saturday, September 29, 2012

Looking for Job change is old, Try something New

Every one well known about this "Looking for Job change" it means someone looking for new job. There is too many reason for changing Job like- Boos and Manager are not good, Office location, Salary issue, coworkers, transportation etc. But I am not ok with "Looking for Job change" why every time Job shaker write this why not something new. Every time writing "Looking for Job change" can't make you unique or different to others and you may loss one more chance of interview. I am giving you something new here try these and make your self unique in crowd of candidate.

* I am thinking to change my Organization
* I am looking to change my CEO/Boss
* I am trying to do something new and for this need new organization
* I am looking to change my professional family
* I am looking to work with new coworkers
* I am looking for New challenges and opportunity
* I am looking for a new Plate fill with new challenge
* I am looking for healthy and hygienic place to start new session
* I am looking for new Job location
* I am finding new organization to work

I am not saying all these are perfect so you can change according you. But defiantly sure few are pretty good and will lend you in good position after try one. Hope your plate will full with Job and good compassion. Best of luck for your future.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

fastest way to get job in tough situation, few expert tips

If you are in job and planing to switch to new or need urgent job try these tips for success.

* Update your LinkedIn profile and complete it to 100%, make good contact with HR's

* Show your education and expertise on facebook profile, avoid posting non informational Image.

* Use professional looking pic for your twitter profile and good professionalism bio.

Mention these three sites LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter are good for your career, but you can create profile on few more site like Google+, Pintrest and Youtube.

* Update your job portal profile on each Wednesday and Sunday.

* If you are not having time to apply for jobs on daily basis, try to apply on each Wednesday and Sunday.

* Read google news Tech & Science, Mashable, Tech crunch, Tech meme and Forbes.